FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTION | Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)


What are the processes for the appointment of Institute’s Research Associates?

  • The Institute Director will nominate lecturer(s) to be appointed as an Associate Researcher to DVCRI using the Associate Researcher Nomination Form.
  • The nomination will be reviewed by the TNCPI office and subsequently will obtain the approval of DVCRI.
  • If the DVCRI agrees on the nomination, an offer letter along with consent feedback form will be given to the institute for distribution to the Associate Researcher candidates.
  • The Associate Researcher consent feedback form must be sent back to DVCRI within the allocated time.

    What is meant by R&D Personnel?

    R&D personnel in the context of research at UPM are Research Fellows, Postdoctoral, Research Assistants and Enumerators.

    What are the guidelines that can be referred to for the appointment of R&D Personnel?
    Which party can be consulted for more information on the appointment of R&D Personnel?

    Contact information can be referred to the following parties:
    Administrative Officer
    Administration and Finance Section
    Administration Division
    Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia Telephone: 03-9769 1259 | 03-9769 1242 /

    What are the differences between MoU and MoA?

    A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is an understanding and statement of intent between two or more parties outlined in a formal document and is commonly used in the early stage of negotiations. MoU does not legally bind the parties. MOU signifies the willingness of the parties to proceed with a legally binding contract in the future. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is a formal document used to outline an agreement made between the parties. MOA is a legal document that bind and hold the parties responsible to their commitment. MOA provides terms and conditions including but not limited to the responsibilities, term, representations, rights and liabilities, indemnities, and other general terms, to be complied with by each of the parties to the agreement.

    What are the types of agreement that will go through the review of the Legal Section, Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor, (Research and Innovation).

    All agreement documents to be entered into with any third parties related to research and intellectual property rights of the university including research collaboration agreements, grant agreements, material transfer agreements, non-disclosure agreements (NDA), joint ownership agreements, licensing agreements, assignment agreements and rental agreements under Putra Science Park (PSP).

    Whether the parties need to sign a confidentiality agreement (NDA) before a research project is carried out?

    NDA is required to be signed if there is an initial discussion with a third party to maintain the confidentiality of information during discussions / meetings and to protect the exchange of confidential information between the parties. NDA must be signed before discussion and disclosure of confidential information to any third parties.

    Whether all agreement need to be approved by the university committees before the agreement can be signed?

    All agreement must be approved by the university committee, namely Management Committee of the University (JPU) and Standing Financial Committee (JKTK) (as the case may be) based on the category of agreement before it can be signed except for non-disclosure agreement (NDA) which only require approval from the Office of Legal Advisor. There are also some categories of agreements that need to be approved by University Board of Directors (LPU) before the agreement can be signed.

    What are the main references for research and intellectual property matter?

    The main references for research and intellectual property matter are
    The Constitution of the UPM (Research) Rules 2012, The Constitution of the UPM (Research Amendment) Rules 2012 and The Constitution of the UPM (IP & Commercialization of IP Rights of the University) 2013.

    What is a rental service?

    The rental service in question is the rental of space in the building of the Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation). Rental rates by type of space and category. Interested outsiders can refer to more information through the link → Schedule And Space Booking Form.

    Which party can be consulted for more information on rental services?

    Contact information can be referred to the following parties:
    Administrative Officer
    Administration and Finance Section
    Administration Division
    Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia Telephone:03-9769 1246

    Updated:: 08/03/2022 []

    Office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Innovation)
    Universiti Putra Malaysia
    43400 UPM Serdang
    Selangor Darul Ehsan
    03-9769 1002/1293